Completing the Assignments

When a field assignment is completed for a data holder, the OK button is pressed to complete the operationWhen all the assignments are complete for the template, they are saved by clicking on the Save button.  A dialog will appear asking for a name for the template.  It will initially offer the name of the .CTM file it came from.  You can accept this or enter a name of your own.  It is recommended that a more meaningful name be assigned.  The name can be anything you like and can include spaces.

If more than one template has been assigned to the database, the above assignment operation is repeated for each one.  When the last one is completed the database creation process will continue and the new database will be opened.

A Cancel button is also available if you wish to abandon the database definition at this stage.  Because so much effort has gone into its development to this point, a pop-up dialog will request that you confirm the cancel.