Database Actions

This report provides information on changes made to the badge database.  A typical report might look like this:


Custom Badge                            February 02, 1996

    Badge Database Operations Report

Transaction Type: Add Badge             Datakey822947700

                       Database Field 1:  Jim Westford

    Date: January 29, 1996              Database Field 2:   434

    Time: 15:35:00      Database Field 3:  1933-03-08 00:00:00

                       Database Field 4:  1899-12-30 12:22:00

    Current User: MASTER                Database Field 5:

                       Database Field 6:

    Photofile           Database Field 7:

    Changed             Database Field 8:

    TemplateID: 0 - General             Database Field 9:

                       Database Field 10:

Transaction Type:Change Badge           Datakey: 7564

                       Database Field 1:

    Date: January 29, 1996              Database Field 2:   6423

    Time: 16:09:49      Database Field 3:

                       Database Field 4:  1899-12-30 06:45:00

    Current User:MASTER Database Field 5:  1996-01-28 15:33:00

                       Database Field 6:

    Photofile:          Database Field 7:

    Changed Flag        Database Field 8:

    Template ID:        Database Field 9:

                       Database Field 10:


Each report section shows the changes made to a badge record.  The action taken, time and date of the action, and who the user was, are always shown.  The datakey is also always shown and can be used in conjunction with Fast Find or Select (see Fast Find and Select in the Operation chapter) to locate the badge which was modified (assuming the action was not to delete the badge).

The remaining fields will only be filled in if that data changed.  So when a new badge is added, all fields will be filled in, as in the first example.  But when an existing badge is changed, only the changes will be displayed, as in the second example.

There is no way for the reporting system to know the names you gave the various fields because you may have multiple databases with different field names.  However, their order in the report will be the same as their order in the data entry dialog and the database open at the time can be determined by consulting the Operations Actions report.

In the example above, fields 3, 4 and 5 are stored as time stamps, but from inspection of the data it is probable that field 3 is a date (the time is zero), 4 is a time (the date is 1899-12-30) and 5 a timestamp.

Note that only the first 10 badge fields are displayed.  If you have the “Dossier” feature and make changes to fields 11 and onward, the fact that a change occurred will be logged and reported, but not the field which was changed.  This feature can be used to protect sensitive information from being displayed, by putting it in a field from 11 onwards.  If you want to see up to 50 fields, use the Database(50) Actions report.