Badge Verification

This is an optional feature which allows easy verification of a badge against the badge database.  When the  button is pressed, a bar along the bottom of the window appears.  It looks like this:


From left to right the area above the status bar shows the database field to be searched, then the data to look for and finally a Find button to start the search.

The search field can only be set by users having Supervisory or higher access levels and the setting is retained by the database.  Users with Normal or below levels will see this field but it will not be changeable.

The entry field can have data entered via a keyboard.  Searching will start when the Return key is pressed or the Find button clicked on.  If one or more badges are found meeting the criteria, the first match will be shown.  The numbers in the status line will show then number of matches as in a normal selection process.  If no matches are found, a warning message will appear to the right of the Find button and all badges in the database will be selected.

When using a bar code or magnetic stripe reader with this feature, the data being read should be from one database field only, not a concatenation of fields.  The Verifier feature will only look up data in one field.  The bar code or magnetic stripe reader must provide keyboard emulation and connect to the computer via the keyboard cable.  Also, if possible, it should be configured to automatically append a Return character to the data read so that searching will start automatically.  If your reader cannot do this then you will need to press the keyboard Return key or click on the Find button to initiate the search.

To ensure that only one matching badge is found, the field chosen should contain unique data for each badge.  An Employee Number or Badge Number would be a good choice.  When searching an alphanumeric field, the searches are not case sensitive.  However, only complete matches are found.

If the Dossier feature is available and activated, the Verifier feature will display the dossier of the matching badge.

The Verifier entry dialog will be removed when the  button is pressed a second time or when any other toolbar or menu item is selected.

Each verification operation is logged to a text file called VERIFIER.LOG which can be found in the badging program directory.  If the Reports option is enabled there are three additional reports available based upon the data in this file.