Providing a database name

When the File, New Badge Database menu item is selected (or the  tool is pressed) the Database Creation Wizard opens.  Check the Use expert database creation screens and click Next>

The wizard will close and a dialog will appear to start the first phase of the expert mode design.  This is a standard file selection dialog where the name of the database is entered.  The file name is typed in to replace the asterisk and can be any standard name.  You are actually defining the name of the .IDC file that ties all the various components together.  You can change the directory where this will be stored if you wish, but the current directory is recommended.  Generally you should enter a new name.  If you provide an existing name, you will be warned about over-writing the old file.  If you do, the badge data in the existing database will not be lost, but some effort will be needed to reconstruct it! You will only be able to overwrite an existing database design if your user security level is high enough.  If not, a new unique name must be provided.  See the Security chapter for more information about security levels.

Click on OK to continue the process, or Cancel to give up.