Fast Find

The Fast Find tool bar button  can be used to quickly locate a badge.  Take the following steps:

1.  Click on the Fast Find button

2.  Notice that the Search .... button is selected

3.  Select EmployeeName from the Field Name pull-down menu

4.  Select the For box and enter “O’Brian” (without the double quotes)

5.  Then click on OK

Joseph O’Brian’s badge will be displayed and only 1 of the 8 badges is now selected.  This is indicated by the 1:1:8 in the status line.  This tells you that the first badge of a selected group of 1 from a total of 8 is being displayed.  This is because only one badge has the word “O’Brian” in the EmployeeName field.

When you have completed the Fast Find operation, click on the tool bar button once more, then click on the Select All radio button and select OK.  This will reselect all badges in the database.  As an alternative, you could also have clicked on the  tool bar button.  For more details see Select All in the The Tool Bar System chapter.